Mantik – UX Design

Revamped a business solutions website to have a better user experience

Timeline: 4 months

Role: Project Manager & UX Designer
Team: Andre Malebran, Camille Chan Charmi, Azadeh Selavarzi
Zahra Sakr

Tools: Figma, AdobeXD, Invision
Miro, Teams, WhatsApp

Project Background

Mantik is a business solutions company based in Dubai and they want to revamp their website to gain traction within their target market.

The Problem – The client wanted to optimize Mantik’s website and build an online presence with an improved content strategy.
The Challenge – Creating a website for Mantik that can create brand awareness for the business as well as showcase case studies of their past clients.
The Solution – Doing a heuristics review on the website, reevaluating their content and developing a revamped Mantik website.

Project Plan

The goal is to perform website audit and create a website proposal to improve their challenges and resolve their problem.


To better understand Mantik, the team performed a current state analysis on their website and highlighted the good and the areas of improvement that it requires to optimize it and meet the company's goal.

The findings of this website evaluation were that their content wasn't up-to-date, there are a lot of dead links and that they are missing case studies or client portfolio on their site.

Link to Heuristics Review

Competitive Analysis

To gauge the competitors, a website analysis is done to know their strengths and weaknesses in comparison to Mantik's website. Furthermore, this will show ways on improving Mantik's site and the changes that can be incorporated on the revamp.

Building Empathy

Based on the research, these are the best representation of the user groups for Mantik who are mainly entrepreneurs or business people who needs help in optimizing their business' processes. I have created two personas below.


A user journey was made to simulate the actual process of Mantik's website visitors and how they behave while in the site. This will help in understanding the specific areas they are frequently visiting and spending a significant amount of time.


Based on the insights gained from the potential users and current state analysis, the team has defined the sitemap for Mantik, as seen below.

Furthermore, I have identified five key features that are easy to implement but can introduce high impact to the business.

Key Takeaways

#1 Auditing is important
When revamping a website, auditing the current application is a must to form as a foundation of the          new application that is to be implemented.

#2 Always include a style guide
Style tile needs to also be presented and developed even if it's a revamp of an existing website so the            process of re-designing is easier.